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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Dental Bridge

Dental Bridge
Charlotte, NC

A dental bridge is a single tooth or a set of teeth that are used to fill the void left by missing teeth in your mouth. When done correctly, a bridge can replace full functionality of your natural teeth and make it easy for you to use your teeth the way you want. If you want to learn more about how dental bridges can help you, visit us at Myers Park Dental Partners and our professionals will assist you with all the information you need about a dental bridge. A dental bridge is multifunctional and has many benefits. Some of them are mentioned below.

Restore Your Smile

Missing teeth can often make you feel conscious about smiling. It's the first thing someone notices about you and this could impact your personal and professional life. A good quality dental bridge would perfectly match the color of your natural teeth and will also work with your face structure. This makes the bridge look natural and you will be able to smile with confidence. Don't let missing teeth hold you back. Let our professionals assist you with the best dental bridge solution you can find.

Make It Easier For You To Chew Food

Even one missing tooth can make chewing your food a nightmare. Constantly having to guide the food away from the missing tooth or teeth is a struggle and it can get embarrassing when you have to eat in public. Dental bridges not only look good but help restore full functionality and this includes chewing your food. You no longer need to get awkward when you have to take a bite with dental bridges in place.

Easy To Speak

Missing teeth often make it difficult for you to pronounce words, since your tongue will keep on slipping into the gap. Conversations, either telephonic or face to face, could often get frustrating because people will have a hard time figuring out what you are trying to say and you will have to constantly repeat your sentences over and over again. A dental bridge prevents your tongue from slipping into the gaps and this enables you to pronounce your words correctly. Apart from smiling more confidently, you will also be able to speak more clearly.

Maintains The Shape Of Your Jaw

When you have missing teeth, the alignment of your jaw gets affected and the gap in the teeth starts compressing and affecting the shape of your jaw. This impacts the overall facial structure and you start looking a lot older than you actually are. Do not let the gap in your teeth impact how you look. Get dental bridges fitted by our professionals today.

Prevents Teeth From Drifting Out Of Position

When there is a gap between your teeth, there is no support for the rest of the standing teeth and they tend to drift in all different directions. If you initially had a perfect set of teeth, tooth loss could impact it greatly. Imagine what multiple missing teeth can do. Don't let your teeth go haywire. Contact us and get dental bridges before it's too late.

Pick up the phone and give Myers Park Dental Partners a call at (704) 332-2532 so you can book an appointment today!
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(704) 332-2532


Mon - Wed: 8:00am - 4:45pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Dental Bridges | Dentist Charlotte, NC | Myers Park Dental Partners
To learn more about dental, visit us at Myers Park Dental Partners & we will assist you with all the information you need about a dental bridge. Call us today!
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