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Home Dental Services Dentistry for Kids Dental FAQs For Kids

Dental FAQs for Kids
Charlotte, NC

Little boy brushing teeth on dental model while sitting in dental chairAt Myers Park Dental Partners we provide the pediatric dental services that will keep your children healthy and smiling brightly. Beginning early dental care is an important part of ensuring a future of good oral health for your child. The earlier that your child begins oral care, the better they will be prepared to care for their teeth and gums in the future. Call Myers Park Dental Partners at (704) 332-2532 to schedule an appointment.

When Should My Child Start Seeing the Dentist?

Many parents find themselves wondering when they should have their child seen by our Myers Park Dental Partners dentist for a first dental exam. The answer to this may come as a surprise to you. It is suggested that children are seen by our pediatric dentist by their first birthday, or within six months after their first tooth has erupted.

What Is A Lap Visit?

The lap-to-lap technique is one that has been proven effective at putting little ones at ease for their dental examinations. It allows our dentist to examine the mouth of the child safely, while they are comfortably seated on the lap of their parent.

With this technique, you will sit in a chair with your little one sitting on your lap facing you. Our dentist will sit across from you, with knees touching your knees. When your child is ready and comfortable, you will ease them back so that their head is resting on our dentist’s lap. This allows our dentist to get a good view inside of the child’s mouth, while the child can look at your face and hold onto your hands.

This technique can help to keep your little one calm for the duration of the examination. The lap-to-lap exam also helps to establish trust for your child and make them comfortable with the exam and professional dental cleaning process.

Why Do Baby Teeth Matter?

It may seem like it isn’t important to take care of milk teeth. However, early dental care is an essential part of ensuring the overall oral health for your child. Infants and toddlers are in a high-risk category for the development of cavities. This is particularly true if they fall asleep with a bottle.

Baby teeth play an important role in your child’s normal speech development. During the first visits, our dentist will examine their erupted teeth, assess the jaw condition, and examine the soft tissues in the mouth.

Our dentist will also provide you with important techniques that can be implemented at home, to improve their oral health and the care of their teeth. Some of these techniques could include correct brushing steps, cavity prevention, and nutritional guidance to ensure your child’s optimal health.

Why Are Early Visits to the Dentist Important?

The primary goal for patients who are under the age of three is to ensure that their visits with our dentist are as comfortable, easy, and quick as possible. Children may not be willing or able to sit still for very long, which is quite understandable.

Even in these early years, visits with our dentist will help to ensure your child builds up the essential trust and comfort with our office and our dental professionals.

Call us at (704) 332-2532 to schedule your child’s next dental visit.
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(704) 332-2532


Mon - Wed: 8:00am - 4:45pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Dental FAQs For Kids - Dentist Charlotte, NC - My Dentist Friend
At Myers Park Dental Partners we provide pediatric dental services that will keep your children healthy and smiling brightly. Call our office today to schedule an appointment!
Myers Park Dental Partners, 1000 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207-1860 • (704) 332-2532 • • 10/9/2024 • Page Phrases: dentist •