Dental Implant
Charlotte, NC

Better Appearance
One of the major benefits of getting dental implants is that they look exactly like the real deal. They don't have a fake white color that makes your implants look different from the rest of your teeth. They blend in well with the color of your teeth and no one will manage to tell the difference. This will make you feel more confident when you smile.
Better Speech
While dentures are a long-term solution to tooth loss problems, they are no longer considered the ideal solution. They constantly slip out of your mouth, especially when you are talking fast or lost in the middle of a conversation. This not only impacts the way you speak because you start getting conscious about the way you talk, but it also impacts your confidence and you start becoming quiet with the fear that your dentures may come off in the middle of a conversation.
More Comfort
Unlike dentures that feel like an alien object in your mouth, dental implants are something that becomes a part of you. While it will take you a day or two to get used to the implants, once they are fitted into your mouth you start getting comfortable with them and over time you forget that you even had them. They feel like natural teeth because our professionals create the implants so well.
Easy Eating Habits
While dentures allow you to eat only a limited amount of food, this isn't something you need to worry about when you have implants. With dentures, you will always be worried about them coming off while you eat, and this will make you self-conscious, especially when you eat hard food in public. With implants you can enjoy any kind of food without the fear of them coming off. There is no need for you to compromise the quality of your life when dental implants have so much to offer.
Better Oral Health
Dental implants become a part of you and cleaning it is just like cleaning your natural teeth. You can also ensure that you follow up your regular dental visits with us and this will help you have good oral health without having to worry about anything at all. Cavities, root canal and tooth decay will be a nightmare that will be long gone.
Dental implant restoration is durable and extremely reliable. Stop struggling with dentures and give us a call at (704) 332-2532 to learn more how dental implants compare to a real tooth. Myers Park Dental Partners will help you decide if implants are right for you.