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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Inlays Onlays

Inlays & Onlays
Charlotte, NC

Close up of smiling woman with beautiful teeth in front of brown backgroundA lot of people are under the impression that a visit to the dentist involves invasive procedures that are painful and require multiple sittings. However, there are a few procedures that are minor and can get done in a single sitting. Inlays & onlays are examples of such procedures. In case you are wondering what inlays and onlays are and whether you are a suitable candidate for it, feel free to walk into our office at Myers Park Dental Partners to see how you can benefit from it.

What Is An Inlay And Onlay?

Inlays & onlays are similar to fillings that help protect the structure of your teeth without invasive procedures. They also help in protecting as much of the natural tooth as possible so that you do not have to worry about a false fitting. An inlay is normally used to fill in the gap between two teeth, whereas an onlay works as a partial crown without affecting the integrity of the natural tooth that it sits on.

Although the onlay starts from your gum, it sits over your natural tooth and it does not require the tooth to be taken off in order for it to take its place. Natural teeth produce fluoride and its roots go deep within the gums. Both of these are really necessary for overall oral health. So when it comes to choosing between preserving your natural tooth and extracting it, choosing the former is always a wise choice and this is where an onlay plays a part.

How It Works

Inlays & onlays are similar to traditional fillings however, they take the shape of your natural tooth and use the tooth for support. This enables the structure to last a lot longer and you will benefit from it greatly. Instead of worrying about invasive procedures, inlays & onlays are one of the most effective ways to help your teeth stay strong and retain full functionality too.

Inlays & onlays are made using the same color as your teeth and the materials that are used in traditional fillings are used in making these as well. This makes it easy to fit the inlays and onlays irrespective of the tooth in question.

Who Can Benefit From It?

If you have a small chipped tooth or even a cracked tooth, then inlays & onlays and can benefit you greatly. They also come in handy after a root canal procedure if most of your tooth is restored. In case you do not want to go in for any invasive dental procedures, but you still want to retain the aesthetic appeal of your teeth then inlays & onlays are a great option.

The procedure is not difficult, and our professionals can fit it in almost any mouth as long as the wound is healed completely. The reason it's better to wait is because of the inflammation that eventually subsides and the gum shrinks. While the onlay will not really be affected by this, there is a chance of the inlay getting affected. In case you are still wondering whether you are an ideal candidate for an inlay or an onlay, give us a call at (704) 332-2532 to clarify all your doubts. You can also visit our office here at Myers Park Dental Partners to discuss this in person with our professionals.
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(704) 332-2532


Mon - Wed: 8:00am - 4:45pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Inlays & Onlays - Myers Park Dental Partners - Dentist Charlotte
If you are wondering what inlays and onlays are or whether you are a suitable candidate for it, Call Myers Park Dental Partners today to schedule an appointment!
Myers Park Dental Partners, 1000 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207-1860 / (704) 332-2532 / / 3/1/2025 / Key Phrases: dentist /