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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Dental Implant Multiple Tooth Implant

Multiple Tooth Implant
Charlotte, NC

Man in light blue shirt smiling Tooth loss is something everyone will experience once or several times during their life. It affects people around the world equivalently and can cause issues such as: difficulty in eating, lowered confidence, unclear speech, bone loss, and possible gum diseases. Although losing teeth is a common occurrence, it does not mean that you have to endure the struggle. Modern day dental technologies have paved the way to help people suffering from such issues with the creation of dental implants. You may find more information on single and multiple tooth implants at Myers Park Dental Partners.

Dental Implants and How They Can Benefit You

An implant is an artificial replacement for missing, damaged, or decaying teeth. Before the process begins, a treatment plan will be made for the patient depending on their case. After a thorough consultation, implants that may look like cylinders or screws will be placed into your jaw, thereby acting as the root for your new teeth. The healing can take anywhere between two to six months. Afterward, your new set of teeth will be placed on top of the artificial root.

With dental implants, you will not only get your smile back but also the vigor to face your family and friends. Implants will restore your ability to speak clearly and strengthen your chewing power so you may enjoy food again the way you used to before. They can also last a lifetime when taken care of the right way. With dental implants, concerns raised by missing teeth and other possible dental issues can be prevented. It can also avert bone loss, signs of premature aging and unwanted sagging of your face.

How to Know If Someone Should Get Dental Implants

If you are struggling with eating normally, speaking clearly, smiling, and socializing with other people due to tooth pain, implants can help you deal with this. People who are missing two or more permanent adult teeth are viable candidates for multiple tooth implants. A single tooth implant is also available in case you are only missing a single tooth. It’s imperative to note that having good gums and bone health is essential before getting a dental implant. If you are facing any of the above issues, check in with us to see if you are a candidate for implants.

What You Should Expect After Getting Multiple Tooth Implants

Some minor bleeding after the surgery is normal and you may be asked to bite down on a gauze pad at the infected area. It is advised to have only cold drinks and avoid hot drinks or spicy foods after the first few days of surgery. So as not to disturb the implant site, choosing soft and nourishing food is ideal for faster healing. Avoid smoking and alcohol intake as this will slow down healing. The healing takes two to six months, after which you will be able to enjoy full functionality of your new set of teeth. Getting multiple tooth implants can fix most of your current dental issues caused by tooth loss. With implants, you are able to chew and eat normally, as well as retain your facial characteristics.

For those of you who are interested in finding out your eligibility for multiple tooth implants, come visit us at Myers Park Dental Partners or give us a call at (704) 332-2532.
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(704) 332-2532


Mon - Wed: 8:00am - 4:45pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Multiple Tooth Implant - Dentist Charlotte, NC - Myers Park Dental Partners
Getting multiple tooth implants can fix most of your current dental issues caused by tooth loss. Call our experts at Myers Park Dental Partners today to schedule your appointment!
Myers Park Dental Partners, 1000 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207-1860 : (704) 332-2532 : : 10/9/2024 : Associated Words: dentist :