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Home Dental Services Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma
Dentist Charlotte, NC

Image of platelet-rich plasma. A normal dental procedure takes a moderate amount of time to heal, and if you are pressed for time, you may find yourself skipping a necessary procedure just because you have no other choice. However, thanks to advancements in dental technology you can now choose platelet-rich plasma therapy which is also called PRP therapy to help recover faster from a dental procedure. The healing time is less than before depending on your health and age. In some patients, healing takes as long as a month because of their health conditions and this could cause a lot of discomfort. Thankfully, with PRP therapy you can now enhance and hasten the recovery process. If you haven't heard about platelet-rich plasma therapy then you should get in touch with Myers Park Dental Partners so we can explain to you what this procedure is all about and how you can benefit from it.

Introduction to Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy was first introduced into mainstream medicine in the 1990s as a means of fast-tracking healing in sports medicine and orthopedic surgery. Today, it's become highly useful in dentistry, serving in a wide range of capacities in the field. Here at Myers Park Dental Partners, we can deploy PRP technology during dental implant procedures to stimulate tissue and bone growth, relieve post-operative pain, promote vascularity, and ultimately fast-track the healing process.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma injections can provide quick healing after an injury or surgery for many different conditions. Our offices have found the injections can provide the relief our patients need after dental implants or other invasive dental procedures. Some studies find in addition to helping heal injured tissues throughout the body, these injections can curb pain and boost post-surgical mobility. After getting a dental implant in the jaw, both of these benefits can make the platelet-rich plasma injections well worth it.

Conditions Treated with PRP

With its immense capacity to induce healing, we use platelet-rich plasma in a vast range of dental procedures. We use it mostly during bone grafting procedures that might incorporate multiple secondary procedures that a patient needs to recover from, including ridge augmentation, treatments for lip and palate deformities, onlay and inlay grafts, and sinus lift procedures. We also use PRP to accelerate recovery from tooth or cyst removal. We also use the therapy in other maxillofacial procedures such as facial trauma reconstruction, the repair of fistulas between the sinus cavity and the mouth, and treatment for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ).

Whatever your oral health condition, we'll use a streamlined combination of highly effective, toxin-free treatments like PRP and others to restore optimal dental health. PRP therapy can fast-track procedures involving implants, prostheses, and extensive maxillofacial surgery by significantly reducing the healing time between various stages of these procedures.

How Does PRP Therapy Work?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy explores the blood's natural capacity to induce healing. It supercharges this capacity at the surgery site by supplying the site with an abundance of various cell types, especially platelets. The platelets are obtained from a centrifugal technology that derives extracts from the patient's blood with three to five times more growth stimulants than normal blood. The extracts also contain optimal proportions of a variety of cells that are critical to the healing process. By speeding up the production of blood clots, PRP helps forestall bacterial invasion on the surgery site, preventing infections and other related complications down the line.

The platelet extracts also stimulate vascularity (the buildup of visible, pronounced superficial veins) and the supply of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) around the surgery site. These two factors are vital to the bone regeneration process. As such, not only is PRP therapy ideal for managing bleeding, swelling, and pain, it is also a highly effective bone regeneration procedure.

Preparing for PRP Treatment

There is no complex process used for creating platelet-rich plasma. All we need to do is take a small sample of your blood right before your surgery begins. There is no need for a blood draw before the day of your surgery or lab preparation. After the sample is taken, it is spun in a centrifuge, which separates the components of your blood. One section contains the concentrated platelets. This is the section we use. After your surgery is complete, the platelet rich plasma is applied directly to the site. With platelet-rich plasma, we can provide extra platelets at the site of your surgery. Extra platelets help to speed up the healing process.

What to Expect During PRP Therapy

The platelet-rich plasma injection process is easy and simple. Our dentists can walk you through the steps and answer any questions you may have in our office. To start, our dentists will draw a sample of your blood. For a dental implant and other dental work, the sample amount will be relatively small so this step will not take long. For larger injuries and more involved procedures, the sample may need to be larger.

Once the blood sample is taken, it is placed into a centrifuge. This is simply a machine that can rapidly rotate sampled blood. By spinning quickly, the different components within the blood will separate. This process only takes 15 minutes so we can complete it while you wait. Our technologist will take the separated plasma and prepare it to inject into the area needed.

What is the Recovery Time?

After a PRP injection, you can resume your daily activities once you leave our offices. Since these injections can promote growth and healing, you may notice a little difference right after we complete the injection. However, it is common to not see results for a few weeks. We ask patients to be patient during their recovery simply. We can perform an exam if you are concerned the injection has not provided the healing you were expecting.

A platelet-rich plasma injection is a great option for many of our patients. It can provide quicker healing to any part of the mouth, leading to successful and complete healing following dental surgery. These injections are safe, effective, and provide lasting relief.

Contact Us for More Information

Do you have any questions about platelet-rich plasma therapy? We can help to answer them all. Visit us at Myers Park Dental Partners or call us at (704) 332-2532 to take advantage of these advanced techniques and technologies to remedy your dental issues.
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Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Platelet-Rich Plasma | Dentist Charlotte, NC
If you haven't heard of platelet-rich plasma therapy, then you should contact Myers Park Dental Partners so we can explain to you what this procedure is about! Call us today!
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