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Home Dental Services Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Rendering of jaw with porcelain veneer on tooth from Myers Park Dental Partners in Charlotte, NCSome dental procedures are crafted to perfection and they help enhance your smile without any invasive procedures whatsoever. A dental veneer is one example of such a cosmetic procedure. In case you are wondering whether or not you should cover up that cracked tooth with veneer, visit us at Myers Park Dental Partners so we can assist you with how you will look once the veneer has been placed on that tooth. Apart from appearance, veneers have a lot to offer, and let's take a look at some of the benefits.

Can Cover Cracks

One of the major benefits of fitting a veneer is that it helps to cover the cracks in your teeth. Not only does this enhance the appearance of your teeth, it controls the spread of infections as well. This enables you to keep your natural teeth without having to worry about expensive, invasive procedures to fix them.

Requires Little Enamel Removal

Most dental procedures require enamel removal in order to complete the procedure correctly. However, with veneers the removal of enamel is minimal, and this helps to keep your teeth healthy. If you are choosing to get veneers just to cover up the appearance of your teeth, you won't have to worry about enamel loss or tooth decay in the future. This is a unique feature that only comes along with veneers.

Can Increase Confidence In Smile

When you have a chipped or discolored tooth, it makes it difficult for you to smile with confidence. After all, your teeth are quite noticeable even when you talk and the slightest flaw gets highlighted. Using veneers not only helps to cover up these flaws, but it also gives you more confidence so you can flash that social smile and pull off conversations without a worry in the world.

Provide Uniform Looking Teeth

One of the highlights of getting veneers is you will have uniform looking teeth. Even if you plan on getting it for a single tooth, our professionals ensure that they match the size and color perfectly so that it looks uniform with the rest of the teeth in your mouth. If you thought that the only way you could get uniformity in your teeth is through invasive dental procedures that would break the bank, then you may want to take a closer look at veneers and how they can help you.

Low Maintenance

The best part about veneers is that they are low maintenance. Apart from the fact that they are highly affordable, you do not need to visit us regularly just so you can maintain them. You can clean your veneers safely at home without worrying about them getting damaged. Our professionals give you details on how to maintain your veneers and help them last longer.

If you are wondering about whether a veneer will help enhance your smile or if you have doubts about a veneer and its fitting, give us a call today on (704) 332-2532 so that our professionals can help clear your doubts and you can come into our office at Myers Park Dental Partners to get your veneers fitted so you can flash that pretty smile.
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(704) 332-2532


Mon - Wed: 8:00am - 4:45pm
Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm
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Dental Veneers | Myers Park Dental Partners | Charlotte Dentist
If you are wondering about whether a veneer will help enhance your smile or if you have doubts about a veneer, give us a call at Myers Park Dental Partners today!
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